Friday and Saturday, May 6 – 7, 2022
This event will be held at our old stomping ground, the Doubletree Hotel in Leominster!
FEATURING – Re-Imagining Church: Congregational Transformation in the New Reality,
a Fresh Expression experience.
We are prayerfully preparing for an in-person event with COVID precautions.
Go here for more registration and other information
What is the meaning of Palm Sunday? – April 10, 2022
What is the meaning of Good Friday – April 15, 2022
What is the meaning of Easter/ Resurrection Sunday? – April 17, 2022
- 9:30AM – Melinda’s Ordination Council Come see Melinda field questions from pastors and delegates of Judson churches. Ask some of your own. If you are a church member you could even get yourself appointed a delegate At First Parish, 1 Church Street, Wakefield, MA. Free.
- 6:00PM Chris Tomlin and Hillsong United Concert. Let’s enjoy some good spirit-filled music. We’ll meet at Oak Grove and head into Boston Garden together. $10 per person. RSVP by April 20.
Creation Care Sermon Series from Church in the Wild:
The Sunday after Easter (April 24th) is Earth Day Sunday! It’s the perfect time to kick off our new and shiny Holy Ground worship series though it can be used at any point during common time. This incredible creation care worship series is available now for digital download!! Purchasing supports Church in the Wild and will help your community better connect with and care for creation!
After a busy Lenten and Easter season, feel free to take a break from worship planning and use the Earth Day Sunday Worship Service and Resources Guide. If you have any questions, please email Rev. Rebecca Driscoll at
On April 1st, the application process opens for the Emerging Leaders’ Cohorts. These cohorts are for youth and young adults ranging from 16-to 29 years old and US citizens or legal residents. The cohorts will be divided into 2 main age groups, 16-20 and 21-29, with 12 individuals per cohort.
MAY 15, 2022 | 1-4PM
Grotonwood will host a camp alumni reunion in May for campers and staff of all decades ranging from the 1960s right through to present day.
Pre-registration is required. Visit

MAY 15, 2022 | 1-4PM
Grotonwood Open House with free cook out and activities. Pre-registration is required. Visit

Please join us on Saturday, April 23rd at 9:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 430 741 0515 | Password: 914972
Dr. Reid Trulson will be in the Massachusetts area on April 26, 2022, to speak about his recently published book, Charlotte Atlee White Rowe: The Story of America’s First Appointed Woman Missionary
Charlotte Atlee White was the first woman officially appointed as a missionary by any denomination or mission agency. The scandal of her 1815 appointment required her to prevail over gender bias, survive attempts to revoke her appointment, and surmount the challenge of insufficient funding.
Dr. Trulson will be presenting at FBC Newton after the Sunday Morning Service on the 26th.
The Conference of Baptist Ministers in Massachusetts (CBMM) are currently hiring for an operations manager.
Adoniram Judson Baptist Association
The Rev. Dr. David Kilpatrick, Coordinator
C- (617) 799-0705, E-Mail: | Rev. Dr. Kilpatrick is also the Pastor of West Medford Baptist Church – West Medford
Rev. Dr. Esther Pearson, Association Liasion and C- (978) 257-5725
The Rev. Ellen Tatreau has been called as Interim Pastor by FBC Woburn for 6 Months while the Rev. Yaliang Zhao is on leave.
Green Street Baptist Church has two connected unfurnished, ground level offices available (12’ x 15’ & 9’ x 12’). Each carpeted office is connected by a door and has a window and access to an internal hallway with convenient access to a restroom. We would prefer to rent to a religious or community service-related non-profit organization. Previous renter was a division of the Red Cross. Please contact Property Committee Chair, Dave Hamilton, at, or 978-609-7679 for further information.
Berkshire Baptist Association – The Rev. David Anderson, Moderator/Coordinator
C- (413) 652-4179, E-mail:
Rev. Anderson is also the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church – North Adams
Boston South West Association – The Rev. Dr. Moreen Hughes, Coordinator
C- (978) 430-5355, E-mail:
Rev. Dr. Hughes is also the Associate Pastor and Minister to Women and Families of Concord Baptist Church in Milton
Central Baptist Association – The Rev. Yvonne Miloyevich, Coordinator
Rev. Yvonne Miloyevich | e-mail: | (978) 618-2526.
Central Association Clergy meets to share, support, and pray with each other on the third Tuesday of each month from 9:30 – 11. This is a Zoom meeting.
Merrimack Valley Baptist Association – The Rev. Jim Leavitt, Coordinator
C- (508) 954-8034, E-mail:
The Merrimack Valley Baptist Association Clergy gather monthly. Please contact Rev. Jim Leavitt for more information.
Beacon on the Common Bicentennial Celebration
The plans for this BiCentennial Celebration are progressing well. Please RSVP by April 24th. We hope you are able to join us.”
Old Colony Baptist Association
Rev Christine Keddy
shares a video update about
TABCOM Missions and Elder Ministry!!
OCBA Clergy meeting will be held, via Zoom from 12:00-2:00 pm on the third Thursday of every month.
If generally you use zoom without signing in, this does require that you first make an account with them. Here is a link for a step by step guide to setting up a zoom account
If you wish to enter this meeting by phone, please call +1 (669)9006833, and use meeting ID 2750874694 Passcode is 6970
Avon Baptist Church has replaced their hymnals and is making the version that was replaced available to churches or individuals who have a use for them. Please contact the church’s office for further information. (508) 583-8076.
Pioneer Valley Baptist Association – The Rev. Theresa Temple, Coordinator
C-(860) 978-5595, E-Mail:
Rev. Temple is also the Pastor of First Baptist Church – Holyoke
Pioneer Valley Baptist Association clergy meet on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 pm.
This is a Zoom gathering. Please contact PVBA Coordinator, Rev. Theresa Temple for the link, discussion topic and presentation information.
Central Baptist Church of Westfield is in search of a Worship Director
The Worship Director will be primarily responsible for developing and facilitating a dynamic, inspiring worship ministry consistent with the overall mission of the church. Through thoughtful planning, the Worship Director will be responsible for implementing, coordinating and providing leadership for the Sunday morning worship services implementing both traditional and contemporary worship styles to include but not limited to music, worship team, adult choir, children’s choir, drama, multi-media, and instrumentals. The director will conduct weekly rehearsals in preparation for the Sunday worship service and will work with the Pastor to develop an order of worship that supports the weekly sermon. Additionally, this position plans/leads special worship events such as for Holy Week, Advent and special events (ordinations, recognitions, installations, etc.). This is a part-time salaried position requiring approximately 10-12 hours. Application and more information can be found on our website
Central Baptist Church of Westfield
P.O. Box 95 | 115 Elm Street | Westfield, MA 01085
(413) 568-0429 |
Samuel Stillman Baptist Association – The Rev. Dr. Loretta St. Louis, Coordinator
C- (617) 835-6767,
Rev. Dr. St. Louis is also the Associate Pastor for Congregational Care of Union Baptist Church – Cambridge
Dear Friends,
Save the Date: July 21-24th for the National Women’s Conference to be held in King of Prussia, PA and virtually. More info to come.
We’re taking our worship experience on the road and coming to your city on our Elevation Nights Arena Tour
Use the unlock code EFAM20 to get your tickets 20% off!
Elevation Nights: Boston, MA
TD Garden
May 5, 2022 at 7:00PM

June 15-18, 2022 Join us this summer, Wednesday, June 15 through Saturday, June 18, at the historic American Baptist Green Lake Conference Center, in Green Lake, Wisconsin for a unique conference.
From the pioneering women of long ago to the trailblazing leaders of today and all women who have responded to the call of God along the way, the movement of women into ministry has involved the whole family of faith from all across American Baptist Churches USA. With women serving in a multitude of ways and a variety of roles throughout the United States and around the world, American Baptist Women in Ministry (ABWIM) is hosting a unique conference: Radical. Redeemed. Ready.
Held at Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, Wisconsin, where the first national gathering of women in ministry occurred in 1980 and where American Baptist women have gathered for many years, the conference will feature inspiring speakers, creative worship, engaging workshops, and multiple ways to connect while experiencing innovative approaches to ministry.
Celebrating Ministering Women – We are celebrating women ministerial leaders, their myriad journeys into ministry and their many ways of ministering. We are also celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Women in Ministry Project, now known as American Baptist Women in Ministry (ABWIM), which fully launched in June 1982 with Rev. Dr. Margaret A. Cowden as the first Project Director, following the historic 1980 gathering in Green Lake.
Radical – ABCUSA has carried out a radical witness, and a radical witness is still needed.
Redeemed – Churches flourish and our world is transformed when all God’s gifts in all God’s people are fully accessed, embraced, and utilized. We are all then redeemed.
READY! We are READY. Are you?
PLEASE NOTE: TABCOM is reserving one of the Lakeside houses to be the “TABCOM House” during the conference. If you would like to stay at “TABCOM House” please do not register for housing, but email Executive Minister Mary Miller to reserve a spot. Cost will be similar to or lower than other housing options.
Learn more about our:
Conference Leaders | Awakenings (workshops) | Full Schedule
All are Welcome!
And we do mean all…all ministerial roles, experiences, and contexts; all ages, cultures, and genders; American Baptists and any and all friends in faith
That means YOU! Join Us!
Register Now
Radical. Redeemed. Ready. Planning Team
This conference is hosted by American Baptist Women in Ministry (ABWIM), a ministry of the ABCUSA Office of General Secretary.
We are looking for music to include with our radio broadcasts.
Can be choral instrumental, solo, etc.
Please send each song as an individual MP3 file. (YouTube links will not work)
Watch as our special guest speaker Esther Kisaghu, shares with us about her mission to educate people about domestic violence in Kenya.
Esther is the Founder of The Rose Foundation, a domestic violence prevention and intervention organization in Nairobi, Kenya.
Esther is the author of The Triumph of My Life: Domestic Violence and Society’s Thundering Silence.
Esther is a Public Health professional with a Master of Public Health degree from Boston University School of Public Health and a BBA in Marketing from Africa Nazarene University.