Friends of Regional Ministries

In 2003 the Friends of Regional Ministries (FORM) was introduced and since then has grown to more than 500 contributors who have given over $5,000,000 to help TABCOM, Grotonwood, Oceanwood and The Pines do ministry. with an emphasis on “Friends” more than “Funds,” FORM has also become a network of individuals and churches who know more and care more about the programs and resources the region provides.

Here are just some of the ways the “Friends” are making a difference…

  • providing camperships to make sure everyone can attend Grotonwood/Oceanwood
  • supporting a chaplain program at The Pines Retirement community
  • helping fund programs such as MissionWorks and the School of Ministry
  • purchasing camp resources such as mountain bikes and pontoon boats
  • upgrading camp buildings
  • helping balance budgets
  • building an endowment to “Fund the Future”

To become a “Friend of Regional Ministries” and support these important ministries, make your donation payable to “TABCOM/Friends” and mail to:

TABCOM Friends
189 Prescott Street
Groton, MA 01450

For more information or to arrange a personal visit to learn more, contact (617) 721-5738.