
Registration will close on of 4/20/24

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New Pastor’s Day will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2024 in the Grotonwood in the TABCOM Conference Room.

April 26 & 27, 2024
Concord Baptist Church of Boston, 180 Blue Hill Ave, Milton, MA 02186

Dear Pastors and Church leaders – please go right now and REGISTER! We want to see you there!

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We have two Christian camps and conference centers:

Grotonwood, located in Groton, MA, and

Oceanwood, located in Ocean Park, Maine.

Our camps, retreats, and conferences are created in an environment that celebrates community and Christianity.

Youth Camps/ Conferencing

Diverse religious shoot

Please feel free to join this group for news and articles featuring issues related to Elder Ministry. also to share and post about things going on in your communities and churches that relate to Elder Ministry.





AB Women’s Ministries of MA

In commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to the mission of the Church, and through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, American Baptist Women’s Ministries provides opportunities for each woman to:

  • Become and develop as God’s person
  • Build God’s faith community, and
  • Serve God’s world.

Find information, tools, and inspiration for your Women’s Ministry.

School of Ministry

If you feel called to serve a local church in a pastoral or lay capacity, or wish to discern where God is leading you, the School of Ministry is ready to journey with you.




What is TABCOM

The American Baptist Churches Of Massachusetts (TABCOM) have come together to build the body of Christ through prayer, mutual support and fellowship. We will constantly celebrate God and our rich heritage as American Baptists. We believe our principles of soul freedom, autonomy of the local church, separation of church and state, freedom of and responsibility for interpreting scripture, our regenerate theology and our associational principles not only set us apart but particularly strengthen and equip us for ministry in these times. (I Peter 2:9)


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